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Group of activities

Project “Increase Trading and Modernization of the Beekeeping and Connected Sectors in the Black Sea Basin” includes five Groups of Activities:

Group Activities: Management

Group Activities: Communication

Group Activities: Implementation 1

Group Activities: Implementation 2

Group Activities: Implementation 3

GA Management

The primary goal of this work package is to achieve all goals and objectives of the project taking into account human and financing resources, time and project constraints.


A1 – Management and implementation organization

A2 – Monitoring and control of activities

A3 – Technical and financial reporting.

GA Communication

Communication activities will be focused on achieving maximum possible awareness and impact amongst the project stakeholders and the wider public in participated countries.

For Communication and Visibility Activities all Partners can use the Communication and Visibility Manual of the ENI CBC Black Sea Basin Programme 2014-2020 (https://blacksea-cbc.net/home/communication-materials/)


GA Implementation T1: Establishment and operation of the apiculture producers network in the Black Sea Basin

Necessary actions:

  1. Creating the organizational and functional framework for the apiculture producers’ network in the Black Sea Basin.
  2. Developing ICT tools to support cooperation in a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.
GA Implementation T2: Counseling, training and knowledge transfer
  1. Counseling / consultance and specialized innovative support at the same time across the entire Black Sea and for the sub-network, in each country involved. A Consultative Council on Innovation and Best Practices in the Black Sea Basin will be operational.
  2. Training course aimed at improving and acquiring knowledge and skills at sub-network level in each Partner State.
  3. Completing the documentation: “Guide to Honey Potential, Climatic Conditions, Air and Soil Quality in the Black Sea Basin Region”.
  4. Developing a good practice guide based on the organization of field training at the level of the entire Black Sea Basin.
  5. Information and dissemination actions aimed at sharing experience at the sub-network / network level.
GA Implementation T3: Ensuring the visibility of apiculture producers

Ensuring the visibility of beekeepers, the potential of the Black Sea Basin area and public awareness of the properties of apicultural products on health and increasing food safety by organizing events of an economic, cultural, educational, political nature, etc

  1. Organizing the International Fair of Apiculture Products in Varna.
  2. Organization of International Honey, Tea and Traditional Local Products Festival.
  3. International Beekeeping Conference in Ordu.
  4. Organizing awareness campaigns.
  5. Conceiving and publishing on web a catalogue of all bee products in the Black Sea Basin by categories, mentioning the dominant mellifera element and the place based on the location of the apiary.
  6. Participating to International Trade Fair of Beekeeping  Apiary Products and Equipment Apimell Italy.

ITM BEE-BSB Partners

project budget

Project Budget

EU co-financing

Own contribution

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Joint Operational Programme Black Sea Basin 2014-2020 is co-financed by the European Union through the European Neighbourhood Instrument and by the participating countries: Armenia, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Turkey and Ukraine. This website has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this website are the sole responsibility of Galati Tehnopol Association and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.

Photos used in this website are made by Lukas Blazek, Bruno Kelzer & Boris Smokrovic on Unsplash. Also http://www.freepik.com Designed by Freepik.

Last update: 31/8/2020