Cahul Business Centre | BEE-BSB
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Business centre

MD-3909, Cahul town, 6 Independentei street, Republic of Moldova, Cahul Region

Nebunu Anatolie, Director,

cahul business centre

was registered in July 2005. The center function according to the constitution of the Republic of Moldova, the Law of public organizations no. 837-XIII from May, 17th 1996, other laws and organization charter.

The Cahul Business Centre is a public, nonprofit and non-governmental organization that is of public use. It is juridical person that functions in the field of regional development. The organization cooperates with similar organizations from the country and abroad, local authorities, enterprises, research centers, universities and others that influence process of regional development.


Our mission is to create a complex structure for many-sided development of our south region and to promote democratic values in the civil society. We contribute to the improvement of managerial capacities of our local leaders. The Center supports the Public Administration authorities, the initiatives of citizens in protecting their civil, economic and social rights.


From 2008 Cahul Business Center is the main representative body of the National Federation of the Moldavian Farmers AGROinform in Cahul region, being in charge of providing complex assistance in business development and marketing, advanced technologies implementation, as well as representing the interests of its members by promoting policies for sustainable rural development.

As a member of National Federation of the Moldavian Farmers AGROinform, beginning on the period from in 2013 till present, Cahul Business Centre was empowered to be responsible for honey producers from Cahul region, Republic of Moldova in order to assist them on production and sales management issues, organizing trainings, seminars, workshops, study visits and exhibitions.

Since 2012 the center is a partner in the Agricultural Competitiveness and Enterprise Development Project (ACED), with the objective to increase the success of the Moldovan agriculture sector in the production and marketing of high value crops. It was organized a wide range of production trainings and demonstration activities aimed at increasing the cost-effective production of products in high demand.

Beginning with 2012 the center was also a partner in the cross-border project “Internationalization and facilitating business contacts Small and Medium enterprises and business support structures in border areas – Internet” project with the main goal of improving the competitiveness of SMEs by integrating them into the network business and internationalization of their border. The main activities were to create and launch business support network – BSN, to organize trainings of business support structures in border areas on priority topics according to the needs of SMEs, to identify trade links, promote their development and consolidation and to support in establishing long-term partnerships between businesses in the border regions, which works with priority in terms of import-export activities.


  • Establish a regional partnership that will involve local partners (local authorities, economic agents, universities, other organizations) for implementing common objectives, to create an interface structure, for multilateral regional development and promotion of democratic values of the society.
  • Improve the managerial capacities and develop competitive advantages of managers from the region.
  • Support local authorities through projects and programs to increase their efficiency, encourage the initiative of citizens to protect their civil, economic and social rights.
  • Promotion and support through different activities of regional development and preservation of environment.

The main aim of Cahul Business Centre of (BCC) activity is:

  • assistance in solving the problems of socio-economical character in cross-border areas of Moldova and neighboring countries on the basis of regional (cross-border) cooperation.
  • usage of world experience, union of intellectual, financing and other efforts for realization joint programs and projects, conduct of charity events and campaigns
  • support for development of small and medium entrepreneurship in Cahul region

Cahul Business Centre is accomplishing the following activities:

Develop and implement training programs,

Provide informational and marketing services, technical and economic data, consultancy,

Participate in development and implementation of social and economic strategies,

Support the participation of citizens in the decisions making process of local authorities,

Participate to create a flexible system of training and ecological education,

Participate in and organize symposiums, conferences, seminars, round tables in the field of multilateral regional development,

Contribute in creation of a system of collecting and classification of information and its distribution develop data bases in the field.

Collaborate with non-government organizations from abroad.

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Joint Operational Programme Black Sea Basin 2014-2020 is co-financed by the European Union through the European Neighbourhood Instrument and by the participating countries: Armenia, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Turkey and Ukraine. This website has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this website are the sole responsibility of Galati Tehnopol Association and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.

Photos used in this website are made by Lukas Blazek, Bruno Kelzer & Boris Smokrovic on Unsplash. Also Designed by Freepik.

Last update: 31/8/2020